
Dec 23, 2008

Las Vegas, Day 3 - Pebble Wrestling

Objective : Performance

Boulder Sent: Unnamed V1 (flash)
Spring Break V2 (2nd go)
High Noon V1 (2nd go)
Concession Obsession V5 (5 tries)
Spring Board V3 (flash)

Total Points: 12

Boulders tried : Cherry Garcia V3 (flashed bottom, got spooked on top w/o spotters)
Boulders Tried: It's On V4 (fucking dyno)
St. Louis V4 (went over 5 try rule for roadtrips)

Props to Seth for making a great guide to Las Vegas Bouldering.
Check out his adventures: here.

Notes: Went to Red Spring for the first time. Weather was good, cold and sticky with a little snow for ambience. Only 1/2 day because I had to home for Christmas. It is hard to flash by yourself. No one to encourage you or betawhore. Still sucking on dynos. I love bouldering by myself. I spent the day hanging out in nature spiked with hard physical activity. Perfect.