
Jan 1, 2009

Looking Forward

I spent a fair bit of 2008 behind the wheel. I plan to spend even more time traveling 2009.

I don't make New Years Resolutions. I make everyday resolutions. I look for limiters or weakness and attack them. However, I'm setting some goals for the new year :

- Climb in a foreign country. I climb all over the US but rarely leave its psychological safety. The plan is somewhere with limestone, preferably multipitch.

- Complete a climbing-based birthday challenge. My birthday is in August, the big 3-0. Plenty of time to train. You don't have to train for a challenge, but training increases your ability to suffer (thus making the challenge better).

Rank-ordered list of ideas :
1. 300 boulder points in a day (V1 = 1, V2 = 2 , ...)
2. 300 boulder problems in a day (any grade)
3. 30 routes in a day (11a minimum)

- Complete a route pyramid with 13a top, i.e. 4 X 12b, 3 X 12c, 2 X 12d, 1 X 13a.
Right now, I can send 12a 2nd go (most of the time). I have only done one 12b (I think it was soft).

- Complete a boulder pyramid with V10 top, i.e. 4 X V7, 3 X V8, 2 X V9, 1 X V10.
I have sent less than 5 V7s and 1 V8.

- Flash one V7
I have flashed 2 V6s

- Onsight one 12a
This is one is going to be hard, my best onsight is 11b. I really suck at onsighting. I get scared and my technique goes out the window.

No training goals. Sometimes I train for the sake of training, and I'm trying to stop. However, I will have training benchmarks for each of the goals.