
Feb 10, 2009

Busy Dying

Objective : Strength

Warmup : Snatch Practice

Training : (1) triples, Clean, 95, 135, 155

(2) doubles, deadlift high-pull, 215, 245

(3) singles, deadlift, 315, 355, 375

(4) 5 rounds
triples, deadlift, 315
15 perfect pushups

(5) 10 rounds
4 strict pullups every 30s

(6) 3 rounds
10 corkscrews, 45
6 TGU, medium weight

Notes : I'm gym rat. I have three rest days before the comp, I can sneak in a workout. Putting Cleans before deadlifts tricks your body into pulling fast and lifting heavier weights. My 1 RM is much higher than those singles, but I don't think pulling more than 2x bodyweight is going to help my climbing. I'm happier about the working sets (triples, deadlift, 315). Another chink in my fitness armor is being able to move moderatly heavy weights with little rest. Number 5 is a "test" posted by Mountain Athlete. 75% of the the pullups were chest-to-bar (CTB). Next time all of them will be CTB. I finished with a little rotational ab work. I haven't done TGU in a long time. It is a great exercise for climbers: mobility, shoulder stability, core, and little heavy breathing.