
Feb 14, 2009

Punched In The Face With Awesomeness

Objective : Performance

Problems Sent(falls) : Advanced 3(flash), 4(2), 5(1), 6(flash), 7(flash)

Place : Somewhere in the middle of the Advance Pack

Problems Tried(falls): Advanced 8(3) ,9(3)
Open 1 (4), 2(3), 3(3), 4(3), 5(1)

One of the many quality problems in the comp.

Chalking up at the 3rd bolt!
Going into "route" mode on a "boulder" problem.

This problem was long and tall. It starts in lower right of the frame and finishes in the red taped box. For a quick approximation of the height, mentally stack sample climbers to reach the finish box.

BRC must have a different definition of 12 feet.

Notes : What is that taste in the back of my throat? It is puke. "Brian, why are you puking at a indoor comp?" Boulder Rock Club (BRC) decided to go really, really highball with their comp. RAD!! It was a blustery winter day, perfect for a indoor comp. Unlike CA, where winter is the crankin' season. BRC did a perfect job with the comp. The music was great (better than the National Qualifiers, during which they played techno muzak). The setting was top-notch (no gimmes and nice variety).

I warm up by flashing a bunch of problems, up to Advanced 3. I hopped on the Open problems and got shut down. I was very close put couldn't send any of them. I dropped down to Advanced to fill out my scorecard. It turns out the Open Category was heavily sandbagged. The person who finished 4th only climbed Open problems 1, 2, 3, & 4.

In the end, I could not send very hard but could climb for 3 hours. I'm definitely not a great boulderer. I kept falling on the crux moves, regardless of the length of the problem. Boy were the problems long, many problems finished between the 3rd and 4th bolt!!! Despite the height, I did not see any injuries. Overall, I had a great time and won a pair of climbing shoes at the raffle.

Bonus : I bought a new camera so expect a lot of new media. The first three pictures are actually video stills. I will post some edited video soon.