
Feb 24, 2009


Objective : Performance (but quickly became screwing around)

Problems Sent : 0

Problems Tried : Punk Rock Traverse, V5(?), 2 tries
Mammen Traverse, V9(?), a bunch of tries

My second try on Punk Rock Traverse. I think I used a bunch of holds that aren't "on".
Who cares? I don't.

The start of Mammen Traverse.
I fall at the crux. That holds are small, I'm off-balance, and the move is big. FUN!

After the crux to the end of Mammen Traverse

Notes : Went back to Horsetooth Reservoir. I decided to check out/wam-up on Punk Rock Traverse. It is very contrived. In turn, my motivation dropped to zero. I almost flashed it but didn't know what holds were on/off. I went over to a better, harder, but still contrived traverse, Mammen Traverse. I like this climb and am developing a relationship with it. Most climbs are 1 nighters for me : Find 'em, Send 'em, and Forget 'em. I'm only begining to appreciate this climb, the subtleties of its holds and the beauty of its curves.

I have nothing against the rocks. They are gorgeous and 5 minutes from house. I have something against the "problems." There is a another problem called Powerglide, which is an elimante of an elimante! WTF! I went to the gym after, at least there I know which holds are on.

Bonus : I saw the movie Pure on Friday night. RAD. I upgraded to iLife 09. RAD.