
Feb 3, 2009

When You Are A Self-Coached Climber, You Have A Dumb Coach

Objective : Power

Warm-up : (1) Circuit #1
(2) Mobility Drills
(3) Climb new Intermediate problems (flash, up and down)
(4) Climb new Advanced and Open Problem (2nd go and fail, respectively)

Training : (1) Big Rungs, ladders
1-3-5-7-8 (fail)

(2) Medium Rungs, drops

Notes : Before work session with just me and the routesetters. Nice. I was struggling on my warm-up Circuit #1. (Silly Rationalization #1 : It is early, and my body takes a little while to warm-up.) I didn't flash the Advanced problem. (Silly Rationalization #2 : I missed a poorly taped foot.) I fail on the big rungs ladders. (Silly Rationalization #3 : It takes a long time for me to warm-up.) I had no juice to go back up on the drops. I ended the training session. If I had a real coach, he would have sent me home during the warm-ups. I'm taking several days of rest.