
Mar 10, 2009

Comfort Porn

Objective : Power

Warm-up : (1) Circuit #2 (8 Intermediate problems, Up & Down)
(2) Mobility Drills
(3) Circuit #3 (8 Advanced problems, Up only)

Training : (1) Big rungs, ladders

(2) Big rungs, staggered mono hangs
3 rounds

(3) Medium rungs, ladders
1-5-9 (fail)

Notes : Fresh snow means time to train without temptation/regret for outside climbing. I'm stepping my game up by skipping Circuit #1 and adding Circuit #3. Today was a ladder or pull through day. I realized I had some mental blocks, e.g. "That move is too far. You are not strong enough." I started breaking through those barriers. My skin starting giving in at the end (my elbows weren't far behind). When I climb a lot I will apply lotion to my hands 5X a day. You would think that would make skin softer. It doesn't. It is nitrous for the healing process.

Bonus : Sonnie Trotter's Tip. Sonnie's right on. I have been neglecting my hangboard, recently. (Sorry baby, I'm coming back to you.) I still think the Pusher Power Junkie Board is the best hangboard ever made. Only the main jugs are angled, but I don't touch them. You won't get stronger on big holds. I doubt a lack of pull-up strength is stopping me (or anyone else) from sending projects. If I do pull-ups, it is on my gymnastic rings (one handed or with mierda loads of weight).