
Mar 17, 2009

Don't You Ever Wash That Thing

Objective: Climbing Stamina

Training: Continuous Intensity Repetition (CIR) with an evil twist, 2+ hours

Notes: I did the CIR with Advanced problems I have already done. I switched it up to make it more interesting. I would climb a problem once. Then I would repeat the same problem with an additional 10lb weight vest. I did this for 8 problems. There were 4 additional problems I couldn't repeat with the weight vest because they contained very dynamic moves. That made for a total of 20 problems for each round. I completed 3 rounds for a total of 60 problems.

A training guru said, "You can train climbing endurance every day." Ain't that the truth, given you have a little caffeine and an ipod. I want to climb hard everyday on my spring break so I better train for it. Training every other day is great way to get strong, stress then recovery, but endurance/stamina is different animal.