
Mar 6, 2009

Simmering In Weak Sauce

Objective : Strength

Warm-up : 5 problems (up only)

Training : (1) Work Open problems, 30 minutes

(2) 3 rounds
mono hangs from large rungs
increase time each round
rest as needed

(3) Work Open problems, 30 minutes

Notes : Felt good despite only one rest day. There were more people at the gym tonight than during the comp. FML!!! My extended warm-ups provide plenty of movement practice and increase my climbing capacity. However, they are not helping my quest to be stronger. Today I got right to the meat. I sent the easiest Open problem 1st go (3 days, 8 tries). I made progress on the all the rest of Open problems. I learned a lot about movement and my ability to crank. The most important lesson learned is I always get shut down on the crux, it could the first move or the last move. I’m coming for mono campusing.