
Apr 18, 2009

Bulimia is my training metric. Anorexia is my training diet.

Objective: Cross-Training

Warm-up: Burgener Warm-up

Training: 5 rounds for time, but a 12 minute cut off
10 power snatches, 115lbs
20 wall balls, 20lbs
(4 rounds plus 5 snatches)

Begining of the Workout
The Rx'd weight is very light for me so I choose to muscle Snatch (it is quicker) and drop the weight (it is easier).

Post Workout Happy Place

Notes: I'm injured (no serious climbing training), and its raining (no bolting). That means it is time for CrossFit. This workout is one of the practice events for the CrossFit Games. I love CrossFit, but I just think it could be better.

First - The only official warm-up is going up and down with a PVC pipe. That is not a complete warm-up for snatching 115. The coaches did not suggest an additional warm-up. I finished warming up on my own.

Second - I don't think the person that wrote the workout actually did it. NOONE in the gym finished it in the allotted 12 minutes. I was one of the closest to finishing it. That is why I can't join a CrossFit gym. There are some really wacky workouts that I don't think are good methods for developing fitness.

Third - No matter how much anyone's form deteriorated, the coaches did not stop them or reduce the weights. It was completely about finishing the workout with the quickest time.

I had fun, and the people are great. I just think the methods could be improved.

Bonus: T-nation article about CrossFit. That draws similar conclusions.