
Apr 27, 2009

"New York", aka a 70 minute mugging

Objective: Climbing Power Endurance


I was too lazy to write it down.

Bonus: Max number of dead hang pull-ups, chest-to-the-bar, 17

Photo courtesy of Mountain Athlete
Me on the jugs, which I said I avoided.
The camera doesn't lie.

Notes: Second session at Mountain Athlete at Boulder, CO. I used the jugs only during the first two rounds of the hangboard warm-up. Otherwise, it was only slopers, edges, and pockets. I got a dose. During the system board intervals, I was on the steepest board and stayed off the jugs (mostly) until weight was added. I started with 10lbs on the 6 minute round. I added 2.5lbs each round and finished with 22.5 lbs. I used 10lbs on the wrist curls and 45lbs on the weighted sit-ups. I was a little disappointed with the pull-ups, but that was just my ego speaking. That is enough pull-ups for the climbing I want to do.

I was the only person at this session, and it was perfect for me. Power endurance training for over 60 minutes with no silly alpine stuff. The coach at Mountain Athlete asked if I got "pumped," and I didn't know how to answer. I'm going to steal someone else's answer: "I don't get pumped anymore, I just lose a little contact strength." I didn't feel like I was going to fall off, but I just couldn't use the smaller holds after the 45 minute mark. Interesting ...