
Apr 10, 2009

Pull out & Walk out

Objective: Climbing Power Endurance

Warm up: 5 rounds
1 minute fingerboard
4 x burpees
3 shoulder scarecrow, 5lb

(1) 5 rounds
1 HIT lab (jug, small jug, two finger, pinch)
every 3 minutes

(2) 5 rounds
3 x staggered pull ups
10 x GHD sit ups
30 x finger curls
8 x push ups

(3) 4 rounds
5 x KTE
1/2 calf tabata
1/2 HAM

(4) 3 rounds
30s slam ball, 20lbs
30s overhead hold

What sweet torture lies behind that door?

Notes: Today I made my first pilgrimage to Mountain Athlete in Boulder. Returning from my road trip, I had a small finger injury. I have been a good boy, i.e. complete climbing rest, active recovery, and ice baths. I thought a MA session would be a good way to ease back into training. I was right. The original version focused on strength, whereas today's session pumped the living daylights out of me.

1 minute on hangboard always kills me. It is not getting much easier. I have noticed an improvement in my clipping ability from this training because clipping requires hanging one-armed from jugs when you are pumped. I don't understand why MA puts the pinch grip, the hardest one, at the end of the HIT lap. I would reverse the order, climbing on the jugs when you are pumped. You would fail due to losing mental focus, not a lack of physical strength. The staggered pull-ups were pretty much one-arms. Trying to straighten my hands during the push-ups was sheer torture because I was so pumped from the finger curls. I had mistakenly thought fingers curls were pulling from open hand position to crimp. Finger curls are pulling your palms to the board. The nonclimbing stuff was very easy, coming from a CrossFit background.

I plan do my strength/power workouts on my own and head down to MA for power endurance training. It is hard to find the motivation to train power endurance for 1 hour by yourself.