
May 8, 2009

An Alcoholic in a Liquor Store

Objective: New Routing

I'm listening to a guru's advice and taking a 5 day hiatus from climbing. I'm afraid I might forget how to climb! Instead of spending my days slowly going insane and watching climbing porn, I got out and bolted new routes. I took a slightly different approach to Castle Greyskull and found another whole area!! I can't swing a dead cat without finding stuff to develop.

Picture evidence:
Short, good looking cracks

I have never put up a new route ground up.
I think this is a good opportunity.
My girlfriend is not siked.
Her first question was, "Do you think the cracks will explode?"

I bolted two face climbs. If you look carefully, you can see my rope.

I haven't named this area yet. The fire in Santa Barbara is weighing on my mind. Especially, the work the firefighters are doing. I was thinking about naming it as tribute to them. One possibility is "First Responder Area." A possible route name could be "First on the scene, First in our hearts."

Please post suggestions to comments.