
May 19, 2009

Know Pain, Know Gain

Objective: Climbing Power Endurance

Warm-up: (1) Easy Traversing, 15 minutes
(2) Mobility Drills

Training: (1) Try to flash every problem in the gym, 45 minutes
rest 20 minutes

(2) 6X8 (all Intermediate)
rest 2 minutes between sets

(3) 3 rounds
3 ice cream makers
5 shoulder scarecrows, 5lbs

Ice Bath
First the beer, Second the fingers

Notes: It hit 90 again today so I took the training session inside. I like flash training. It is a fun game. One try only, if you don't send it move on. Lots of climbing. Lots of thinking about climbing. I flashed every Advanced problem easily. I got shut down on most Open problems. I have a major weakness with the "jumps". Inside, they are silly. Outside, they are usually contrived (there are almost always static methods). I'm not sure if I'm going to work on that weakness. I had to dig very deep during one of the Open flashes. It felt good to know that I can try hard and succeed.

The conditioning part of the workout sucked. I have done intervals for years. During the early rounds, I always think that I've picked problems (or weights) that are too easy. During the rest periods in the middle, I'm flat on my back cursing . I think Baby Jesus was spotting me during the last set. It was intense. Good hard training session. 3 days of rest until Charleston.