
May 16, 2009

Wecome to "Land of the Dead"

Objective: New Routing

All FAs (I think)
Zombie Family Boulder
Right to Left
Zombie Daddy, V2 - start on pinches, undercling to hidden jug, topout as Zombie Baby
Zombie Baby, VO - a shorty, kinda fun
Big Momma Zombie , VO - climb a series of steps, DON'T FALL
Zombie Stepbrother, VO - low angle arete with incredible holds

Zombie Army Boulder
Left to right
Steady Diet of Brains, V1 (not shown)- sds, climb blocky face
Zombie Army, V4 - sds, hard start to big reachs between big holds, classic
Shoot 'em in the Head, V2 - sds, follow crack
Burn the Bodies, V3 - sds, straight up on good holds

Romero Boulder
Left to right
Night of the Living Dead, V1 - sds, jugs to slopers
Dawn of the Dead, V3 - sds, easy start to a long reach to crimps
Day of the Dead - v? - needs to be cleaned

Notes: The "Land of the Dead" is a new area on the Poudre. I have strong evidence that it has not be previously developed. I had to pull off HUGE loose blocks and build landings. It is similar to Pine Mountain, only composed of steep well-featured granite. The high quality granite makes for incredible cranking. A few problems required no cleaning (not even lichen)!! There are 3+ problems on each boulder. I found at least 11 boulders within 10 minutes of the road. Videos and a mini-guide are in production.