
Jun 7, 2009

Going Multiball

Objective: Climbing Strength

Warm-up: Flash new boulder problems, including some Opens!!

Training: (1) Threshold bouldering on the System Board, 45 minutes
- Monos, Middle, Matching
- Monos, Outside, Matching
- Slopers, Top Right, Pull Through
- Slopers, Bottom Left, Pull Through
- Slopers, Top Left, Pull Through to easier sloper
- Two finger pockets, Middle, Pull Through
- Crimps, Zero setting, matching

(2) Advanced problems, 20 minutes, up and down

June in CO means a couple of inches of hail.
I'm climbing inside today.

System Board Panel

Notes: I love the system board in the gym, steep with great panel holds. Monos are freaky. I'm okay at them, but I maintain a healthy respect. However, I'm not very strong on slopers. It is 50% physical and 50% technical. I need to believe I'll stay, even when they feel horrible. I'm adding weight to the two finger pockets next time. The crimp panels panels have 4 settings, 0-4. Zero is a smallest setting, deliciously tiny. I finished with some hardish bouldering. Last power/strength session before my 3 week road trip. I feel good and healthy.