
Jun 21, 2009

Lake Tahoe, Day 4, Bouldering is Easy

Objective: Performance

Boulders Flashed: V2 X 6
V3 X 3
V4 X 2
V5 X 1
(Most problems in Tahoe don't have names.)

Flash Points: 34

Boulders Sent: V4 X 1 (2nd go)
V6 X 1
V7 X 3 (2nd go, 3rd go, < hour)

Redpoint Points: 31

Total Points: 65

Boulders Tried: V5 (did all the moves, couldn't put it together)

Zero Approach - Check
Flat landing - Check
Staircase descent - Check
Grades from VB-V11 - Check

In bodybuilding, they call this "back double biceps pose".
In bouldering, they call this "wedge yourself in the dihedral

Big Move


Beta = Sending

Notes: Went a minor bouldering rampage today. Thanks to my record keeping I'm able to see progress from a similar trip to Lake Tahoe last fall. L
ast fall, it took me 7-10 tries to send a V7. Today, I was able to send in 2-5 tries. Very close to my 2009 goal of flashing V7. I didn't feel very tired at the end of the day and my skin was still in reasonable shape. All the training helps.