
Jun 29, 2009

New Training Cycle & A Birthday Challenge

I'm back in CO and ready to start to a new training cycle. My previous Power/Strength cycle went well. I sent like a mad man bouldering and could easily pull all the moves during onsights (if I read them correctly). I know I should take some time off, but I'm very psyched. The focus of the new cycle is Power Endurance for some upcoming adventures.

I'm home for week and then off to Lander, WY for the International Climber's Festival. In addition to onsighting some rad limestone, I will be attending Climb Strong!

Then it's Birthday Challenge time. It is my big 3-0. After my CrossFit-centric Challenge last year, it is a climbing only Challenge this year. I'm onsighting 30 routes in a day. There was a suggestion, by Elijah, that I do off-widths only. I know B-day Challenges are about suffering, but I'm sticking to clip-ups. The tentative date is August 6 in Lander, WY. Mark your calenders.

This cycle will last 4 weeks. Given the focus is Power Endurance for onsighting, the session breakdown is: 3 strength (no power), 6 power endurance, 4 endurance, 5 performance, and 13 rest days. This is just guideline. It is usually thrown out the window the first week. The paucity of performance days is due to the following facts: it is hot, I don't want to drive 45+ minutes to climb, and I need to show up to work every once in a while.

One more thing, I'm competing in the State of America Games in Olympic Weightlifting on August 1. I'll be training Oly Lifting 3x a week. It is much easier to program and prepare for Olympic Weightlifting meet than climbing or a Birthday Challenge (That is odd because in the traditional sport conditioning world Oly lifting is one of the most difficult things in training and program design.)

As always, feedback is welcome.