
Jul 20, 2009

Critical Denisity

Objective: Climbing Power Endurance, Short Intervals

Training: (1) Technique, Roof, drop knees, bicycles, hand/foot matches

(2) 20 rounds
easy traverse into an Adv problem, 7-10 moves
on the minute

(3) Rhythm Intervals, system, lower right
2 rounds
30 on/30 off/ 30 on/ 30 off
30 on/30 off/ 30 on/ 30 ar
rest 4 minutes between rounds

(4) Prehab

Notes: Gym is getting too crowded for evening sessions. I watched this video before I the session. It always fires my ass up. I kept the same intensity as the last short interval session, but dropped the hammer on volume. 20 hard problems on the minute is no joke. Ran out of time to repeat technique work.