
Jul 10, 2009

Lander, Day 3, Competence, not Confidence

Objective: Climbing Performance

Location: Sinks Canyon/Shady Crag

Routes Sent: The Sorting Hat Left, 9, onsight (glad to be climbing)
The Sorting Hat Right, 10a, onsight
Cool Whip, 11a, onsight (not bad)
Ice Cream, 11c/d, onsight (slab, hard slab)
Imaginary Fans, 10b/c, onsight (double extension, more crazy slab)

Total Points: 21

Routes Tried:
Imaginary Fans, grade = ?, 1 fall (triple extension)

Kit & The World's Brightest Rope

Notes: Today almost didn't happen. We epiced, sport climbing style, on the approach, e.g. wrong parking lot, missed the trial, wrong cliff, and all in flippy flops. Sophie did her first lead. NICE. Ryan picked the routes, and he picked slabs. He is a little goofy. Yet another 11d onsight. I'm getting solid at the grade, all kinds of rock and angles.

Imaginary Fans is interesting:
5.5 jug haul to first anchors.
10b/c horrible slab to second anchors.
Rad roof to 3rd anchor.

I blew the onsight when I didn't find the JUG (3 inches!!).