
Jul 29, 2009

Scalar Field

Objective: Climbing Power Endurance, Short Intervals

Training: (1) 18 rounds
One Adv problem on the 1:30

rest 10 minutes

(2) Rhythm Intervals
Level 1, lower right

(3) Prehab

I give props to Rob Shaul for always trying new stuff.

I think the most important element of core strength is the successful application of the strength you already posses. "It doesn’t matter how big your engine is if you don’t have traction on a surface." Once technique is rock solid, you can work on a bigger engine.

Even with core work, my primary focus is increasing maximal strength because any climbing worth doing is hard. I don't train core endurance, i.e. longer 5s, because I figure it is already being trained through functional movements.

Notes: End of the current Power Endurance cycle. Last training day before a roadtrip and the start of fall/performance season. I'm a little tired, but I'm strongest, fittest, and technically sound I have ever been. I hope this translates to the rock and sending. The best thing is I'm not injured.

During #1, I did every Advanced problem in the gym worth doing.

I'm abbreviating the Rhythm Interval workouts because I'm tired of writing them out. I mostly do Level 1. I have done one at Level 2 (it really sucked).