
Jul 27, 2009

You're Never Really Asleep; You're Never Really Awake.

Objective: Climbing Strength, Climbing Power Endurance, Medium Intervals

Training: (1) Flash new problems, Adv & Int

(2) Threshold Bouldering, 45 minutes

rest 6 hours

(4) System Board, 1-4 moves
two finger pockets, middle, lower right
crimp, #2, #1

(3) 10 rounds
Up (Adv), Down (Rec), Up (Adv)
rest 1:30-2 between rounds

Advance Flash

Notes: I haven't been climbing lately, but I haven't been recovering either. I have friend visiting. His name is Insomnia. He sucks as guest. I wish he would go home, back to hell. I did the best I could, which was a notch above completely sucking. 5 days til the Oly Comp. At this point, it is potentially dangerous for me to go through with it.

I felt much better during second session, although a little weaker than normal. Up, Down, Up are another new addition to the program. It is a fun mind to crank hard when you are a little pumped. I started to fade during the later rounds.

Bonus: Tate on Steroids. He knows his stuff and is not afraid to tell it like it is. I strongly recommend becoming a CrossFit Journal subscriber and listen to the complete article.

At the end of the complete article, he states the most beneficial fitness attribute is maximal strength. I have always been a resident of that camp. Even though I train for sport climbing, I realize that if I become stronger I will climb higher grades. That is why the foundation of my training is hard bouldering/hangboard/campusboard/systemboard.