
Aug 24, 2009


Obj: Finger Strength (I say Climbing Stamina)

Warm up: 3 Rounds
1 minute hang board
5x Renegade Man Makers (M-25#, W-15#)

(1) 10 Rounds, 10 sec hang, 10 sec rest, each combination, body weight only
- Pinkie/Ring (big pocket)
- Ring/Middle (medium pocket)
- Middle/Index (big pocket)
- Small Ledge (all 4 fingers)
- Medium Ledge (all 4 fingers)
- Big Ledge (all 4 fingers)

(2) 3 Rounds
Run 200m
20x Box Jumps
10x Push Ups

(3) Repeat Part (1)

My pinky is small and mostly useless

Notes: Mountain Athlete Session in Boulder. Hangboard minutes always kill me. They never get easier. I had to use my middle finger on the first set, split finger pocket hang. My ring/middle are my "get it done" pocket fingers and relatively strong. I'm reluctant to add weight, maybe next time. 20x Box Jumps is a lot for Olympic Lifter. I'm not in hybrid training shape anymore, red lining for the last 2/3. Even at 9am, it is hot in Boulder. I felt "soupy" at the end.

I really enjoy MA workouts. They are very hard and different from what I would program. I'm attracted to some core CrossFit ideas (It is hard for me to buy wholesale into any one program). For example, "Constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity." This workout is consistent with that idea.

I need to get stronger at open hand. The last two workouts are progress towards that goal.