
Sep 9, 2009

Fat Furs

Objective: Climbing Technique, Climbing Strength, Climbing Power Endurance, Long Intervals

Training: 1) Technique, Twisting Drop Knees, 10 minutes

2) Hangs, Mono, Medium Campus Rung

3) Campus, Two Finger, Large Campus Rung, 1-3-5

4) Rope Laps, 11+ (up) & 9 (down), 3.5 laps

Notes: I was a little tired but still trained at the Boulder Rock Club. I like my current training cycle because it is sustainable and adjustable. I moved to smaller incut holds for the Technique work. I spent most of the time teaching Alex how to campus properly. BRC has a great campusboard setup, and she dominated it. I did fool around with two finger campusing, felt pretty easy. I'm still in Lander training mode, i.e. monos, two fingers, and big moves. I need to recalibrate for the Front Range.

I picked a nice steep wall for #4. I was not allowed to recovery on the wall. I spent a good amount of time in the "Orange Zone". The "Orange Zone" is where my body tells me to stop and my mind tells my body to shut the hell up. I think that will be key for redpoint season.