
Sep 28, 2009

LOTD, Call Me The Broom Man

Cuz I made a clean sweep of all the projects at Land of The Dead.
Someone flipped "The Fall Switch." The temps in NoCo are prefect.
Time to send.

No More Room In Hell (Blue), V4* - sds, jug to crimps (And by No More Room In Hell, I mean my crotch. There is a weird hand/foot match.)

Twitcher (Red), V5 - sds, more jug to crimpers action

Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, V6 -Cave around the corner. Low start, LH crimp & RH sidepull, climb blunt arete

Day of the Dead, V4 - sds, LH jug RH sidepull, climb up and right

I still had time at the end of the day to find another cave. I'm doing it again tomorrow.

* These grades are suggestions. I have been doing so much training and developing my internal grading calibration unit needs to be reset.