
Sep 30, 2009

Necklaces for Cleopatra

Objective: Climbing Strength, Climbing Power Endurance, Long Intervals

Training: 1) Flash new problems, 20 minutes

2) System Board, 1-2 moves, crimp, open hand, 45 minutes

3) 4 rounds
20-30 continuous moves
rest as needed between rounds

Notes: A quick tune up in the gym. I focused on the stimuli I haven't been getting outside, very short and long.

I have heard anecdotes about climbers focusing exclusively on sport climbing becoming weaker when returning to bouldering. Why not throw in one maximum effort session a week to stay strong? "Strength is King"

But remember "Power Endurance is Queen." I focused more on moving quickly than perfectly during #3 to simulate redpoint tactics. It was little awkward making some of the link ups because I wasn't familiar with the new boulder problems.