
Sep 21, 2009

Non-repeatable Experiment with No Control

Training: 1) Technique, Heels down & movement initiation from ankle, 15 minutes

2) Miscellaneous Bouldering, 45 minutes

3) Technique, Heels down & movement initiation from ankle, 15 minutes

Notes: I'm starting to integrate the ideas from Timy Fairfield's bouldering clinic. We talked (and talked) about climbing on Saturday. He could have done a 4 hour clinic on system boarding, another one on campusing, and another on routesetting. He even invited me out to bolt stuff in NM (crazy Mt. Clark-style limestone).

I tried to climb in Timy's style during the miscellaneous bouldering. His style is reducing problems to their essessence. In contrast, to my typical style which is focused on economy of movement. I even applied this concept to flashing problems. It was fun to climb in a different style and out of my rut.