
Sep 13, 2009

Requiem for Methuselah

Objective: Climbing Technique, Climbing Power, Climbing Strength, Climbing Stamina

Session #1
Location - Boulder Canyon
1) Speed climb up, Down climb perfectly, 5.9 & 5.8 (TR)

Bonus: Climb 5.9 & 5.8 in the rain (in approach shoes)

Session #2
Location - The Spot
1) Campus, Small Rungs Upside down,
1-4-6 X 2
1-5 (f)

2) Campus, Medium Rungs Upside down,

3) System Board, Pinch Hang, Small & Large, 3X3s

4) Flash Boulder Problems, 30 minutes

The Crew crossing Boulder Creek

Retreating from roadside cragging

Climbing Training Session, 09/13/09

Notes: I don't train at the crags enough. Today was combo was babysitting new climbers and training. It was interesting switching gears from the accepted slop of speed climbing to the precision of down climbing.

I moved the training indoors, the Spot Gym, after a thunderstorm rolled in. The Spot has endurance orientated bouldering (weird I know). Great for warming up, not so great for training. I get bored around move 15-17 of a boulder problem. I hit the campusboard and system board hard. I focused on the upside down rungs, bad for the ego but should make me stronger. I attacked one of my indoor limiters, pinches, for the upcoming comp.