
Sep 5, 2009

Sinks Canyon, The Start of SENDtember

Session #1
Location: Shady Side Crag
Routes sent: Unknown, 10(?), onsight (left of Imagrinary Fans)
Unknown, 10(?), onsight (2nd on left of Imagrinary Fans, 1 hard move)
Imaginary Fans, 12a, 3rd go (3rd anchor, felt piss easy)

Coffee Break

Session #2
Routes sent: Duck Soup, 9, Onsight (really good, nice rewarm-up)
Second Hand Nova, 11a (brick hard start, kept it together)

Routes Tried: Bush Docter, 12b, 2 tries (BTB, 2 hang, should go quick if conditions are good)

11 bolts to the hard bit
Photo courtesy of Kitiara P.

Dangling at the end of the rope, going to have to get used to it.
It's Redpoint Season.
Photo courtesy of Sophie D.

Notes: @ and I rolled into Lander for Labor Day. We went to the Sinks, which is just starting to get good. I finished off "Imaginary Fans" with little effort. "Bush Doctor is fun but chipped to all hell. I suck on chipped routes, which is surprising consider the amount of gym climbing I do. The start is a bit grovelling to lame lateral slab dyno. then it get really good. I skipped a bolt during the crux and took a good size fall.