
Sep 17, 2009


Objective: Climbing Strength, Climbing Stamina

Training: 1) System board, 4-6 moves, sloper, wide pinch, narrow pinch, crimp, 45 minutes

2) 10 rounds
repeat Adv Problem
rest 15-30s

Notes: Final training session before comp. I worked my biggest indoor limiter, pinches. Still threw in some training for upcoming road trip. My climbing stamina, number of problems in a day, is always pretty good, but I decided to keep the tank full. Indoor redpoint competitions come down to smart tactics (beta steal & don't project), strength (send hard), and stamina (full scorecard).

Bonus: A great day of rock climbing is 3% learning, 97% failure and summarized with total fatigue. Must be what professional science feels like. - ScottSemple via Twitter