
Oct 10, 2009

Druid Stones, Glorious CA Granite

Location: Druid Stones
Bishop, CA

Problems Sent:
Thunder, V3 (good one)
V3 (Had to fight for it, felt like a route)
V5 (left side, crimpy)

2nd go
Kredulf V4 (couldn't figure the "easy" top out)
Arch Drude, V5 (bad beta from Ben & Dan on the flash attempt, NEGATIVE)
Days of Blunder, V5 (from the stand)

3rd go
V4 (went dubs)
V5 (feel on last hard move twice, ran out of crimp juice)

Problems Tried:
V7 (I got the group high point, but the last move was a mystery)
Skye Dance , V6 (super rad but legs were too tired from the hike)

The Posse

Spenser with a strong poodle spot

Kyle contemplating a cryptic Druid stone

Ben & Scott taking action

Evan about to go dubs!

Dan doing what Dan does,
Locked off with tongue out

Notes: Went to Bishop for a friend's bachelor party. It is still early in the season so we headed up to the Druids Stones. I haven't been there for 3 years and forgot how great it is. We rolled deep with a posse of 9+ people and a couple of poodles.

The other strong climbers present have a vary different style from me. I tend to use momentum when I climb and don't like to project (especially when an area is 3 states away and 30+ minute hike). It was interesting (and a little frustrating) climbing with people that are static/lock-off monsters and immediately go into project mode on every climb. I still managed an okay day of climbing. The ticklist is selected highlights because I don't have the guidebook in-front of me.