
Oct 26, 2009

Fable Boulders, A Couple of Classics & Lots of Hard Projects

Even though it getting cooler, I still hate climbing in the sun. While I waited for the sun to drop below the ridge, I explored for more rock in The Fable Boulders. I found a couple of VOs which I did my approach shoes. They are okay and located about 1/4 mile upstream along the ridge from the main area.

Unnamed, V0, Black (follow crack)
Unnamed, V0, Red (follow arete)

I found more trash than climbable rock

I got down to business and put up a couple of classics. While not hard, these problems have quality rock and movement.

Follow Your Bliss, V1/2, Blue (Stand start on jug, follow the left arete via slopers)
Joy Will Burn Out The Pain, V3/4, Green (Stand start, lieback the right arete, exit via crimps)

I spent the remainder of the abbreviated session cleaning and sussing out problems on the Hero Boulder

1,000 Faces, Project(V5R), Pink (SDS crack, move left on directional holds)
If You Fear Dying Then You're Already Dead, Project (V8R), Black (SDS on L.H. sidepull & R.H. Crimp, powerful moves to jug, big moves to the top)
Monomyth, Project(Really Hard), Blue (Small holds and big moves)
Call To Adventure, Project(V4PG-13), Red (SDS, big moves between okay holds, awkward landing)