
Oct 16, 2009

The Fable Boulders, The Saga Begins

The "Boulder With No Name" turns out to have neighbors. I have choosen to name this area The Fable Boulders. It is a reference to Joseph Campbell, and his thoughts about the power of myth. I have a long list of possible individual problems names but sometimes get stumped when naming a entire new area. I feel pressure because I want the area name to be good, clever, and representative. At least this name is a deep of well of ideas.

Left to Right
Is, V1, Black (sds, lieback jugs, contrived but interesting)
Mask of Eternity, V2, Red (stand start on good left vertical edge, sds - undone)
Isn't, V2, Blue (sds matched on good edge, climb good edges)

Petty God, V3, Blue (left side, sds with R.H. on swirly granite sloper, larger moves between positive holds)
Jealous God, V2, Red (right side, sds edges to more edges)

Amazing Swirly Granite Sloper