
Nov 9, 2009


Training: 1) Doubles, Large Rungs

2) Drops, Medium Rungs

3) Ladders, Large Rungs

4) Ladders, Small Rungs
1-3-5 X 2

5) System Board, Crimp Ladder, #1, Pull-Through (!!)

6) 1 Arm pull-up, System Board Jug

7) Metolius Hangboard, Flat Sloper, 1 Arm switches

8) 4 rounds
30/30 Continuous Hangboard Movement

The Hangboard, as of this week

Notes: I hit the peak of humanity at the gym and had to stick to the apparatuses. Re-introducing drops. I believe the science but I still don't know if they are good for me. I suck at pulling through on the campus board. I barely pulled 1-2-6. My fingers feel strong, #4 &#5, and are getting stronger.

The Metolius Hangboard was rehung perpendicular to the ground. It makes scientific training difficult when the training equipment changes. I will have to add lots of weight for hangs, but I can do stuff like #6 & #7. Rob Shaul has his athletes do 10 rounds. 4 rounds is enough for me, the quality of effort decreases too much for rounds after that.