
Nov 22, 2009

Taos, NM, Dead Cholla Wall

Routes Sent: Fun, 7, Onsight (mixed, quality)
Unknown, 10-, Onsight (trad, between games and corrida del norte)
Corrida Del Norte, 11, Onsight (slab)
Unknown, 10+, Onsight (trad, left of corrida del norte, hardest trad to date)

Routes Tried: Games, 10+, Bailed (half up realized I needed gear, didn't try again)

Dead Cholla Wall

My Favorite Cam
It shows

Tombstone from Taos Cemetery

Notes: Dead Cholla Wall is short, stubby wall along the rim of Rio Grande. What it lacks in climbing appeal, it makes up for in ease of access and vistas. I attempted to crank without a trad rack, we forgot it in the car. That didn't happen, warming was difficult (I'm a big baby about warming up) and the "sport" climbing too sporty. We retrieved the rack and had a fun afternoon out. I actually got into plugging widgets and ended up with my hardest pure trad send to date (bonus - it was onsight).

After we went to Taos Pueblo, the oldest continuously inhabited community in the USA. What stood out most was the contrast between my life and what I observed. My life is technology heavy, e.g. laptops, internet, and remote working. While the Pueblo is still evolving, e.g. propane tanks, it appears technology light, e.g. wood burning stoves. I was fascinated by the amazing art, a common theme for the entire Taos region.