
Dec 13, 2009

The Palace, Defining Success

Routes Sent: Battle Axe, 9+, onsight (longish)
The Scepter/Sceptor, 10a, onsight (started to snow, had to fight)

Ice is solid
Game on for The Palace

Racking Up
Deciding if I should bring my crampons

Climbing Awaits

Notes: Got outside today. I was missing it. I hoped to finish up my FA projects, but there was too much snow to access the parking for the cliff. Settled for The Palace. It was warm, beautiful, and quiet, not another climbing party at the entire area. During my second warm-up, it got windy, dropped 10 degrees and start snowing. I agree with Upskill Climbing and won't complain about conditions. Let's just say it felt "hard." The jams felt "really hard." I have a goal of climbing every route at The Palace. Today was a success, I ticked two off the list.