
Dec 3, 2009

Pecked to Death by Baby Ducks

Objective: Climbing Technique, Climbing Stamina

Warm-up: 1) Rec, Up & Down x 10 (Don't Rush)

2) Mobility Drills

3) Int, Up & Down x 5 (Don't Rush)

Training: 1) Technique, Decompress, 20 minutes

2) Flash, New Problems, 20 minutes

3) Technique, Hoover, 20 minutes

Notes: I almost want to count today as 2 technique sessions. It was fun but felt long. Justen gave me some tips on relaxing while climbing. It worked so well, I felt like curling up and falling asleep on crash pad. The technique work immediately carried over to the flashes. I'm still amazed how little improvements in technique translate to huge improvements in performance. It is the quickest path to better climbing (or any sport). I progressed from easy to hard problems. By the time I got to the hard problems, they felt easy. I wasn't training stamina but came along for the ride.