
Dec 30, 2009

Sweet Sticky Thing

Training: 1) Flash, New Problems

2) Work, New Problems

3) Open Hand, System Board
Lower Left
1 lap on the minute for 10 minutes

rest 10 minutes

4) 1/2 Crimp, System Board
1 lap on the minute for 10 minutes

5) Wide Moves, System Board
Skip 1 Up & 1 Over

6) 1-Arm, Dynamic Effort

7) L-sit scissors
20s X 3

8) Sited Russian Twist w/ Heavish Kettlebell
3 sets

Unedited Poor Quality Footage of the "Easy Project"
Still Fires My Ass Up!

Notes: I got outside today and cleaned up a bunch of lines on the boulder I found yesterday. Several of them are hard. One is futurist, it follows the black streak on the right side of the video. The futurist line got me syked to push it hard in the gym. I had to work a couple of new problems in the gym because they exposed a continuing limiter, fat pinches. I have a three-try "rule" for gym problems. If I fall on the same move three times, without improvement, I move on. Otherwise, I'm training strugglin' and falling.

The rest of the session focused on building capacity (something I don't do enough). #3 and #4 were simple density training. Next time I do the laps every 50s. I need to add weight to #5. #6 training to be fast. Finished the session with one stabilization and one rotational/nonlinear ab exercise. I superset those with prehab work.