
Jan 1, 2010

Horsetooth, Piano Boulders, Happy New Year

Location: Horsetooth Reservoir, Piano Boulders

Problems Sent:
North Arete(Unknown Roof), V1, Flash (cool)
North Arete(Bootie Slab), V1, Flash
Bootie, V1, Flash
Roof Crack, V2, Flash (steepness)
Unknown (#5, Piano Boulder), V2, Flash (1 move wonder)
Unknown (#3, Piano Boulder), V3, Flash (soft, crimps)
Unknown (#4, Piano Boulder), V3, Flash (hard, slopes)
Sloper Traverse (aka Baby Grand), V5, Flash (felt easy)
Piano Traverse, V5, Flash (felt hard, climbed ugly)

Thanks Access Fund
I'm a member. Are you?

Notes: Rad winter day. I flashed everything in the area, thanks to the new NOCO Climbing Guide.