
Jan 11, 2010

SRR Boulders, I Wasn't Looking For More Projects (REALLY)

I had the best intentions of repeating problems in an established area today. My plan is to oscillate between more established and less established areas. But I got sandbagged by 3'' of snow on the top of the boulder (There was 2'' of dirt under the snow. NEGATIVE!!). Some of the problems were contrived. I couldn't find the holds on the other problems. My syke dropped to nil. This place is so bad I'm not even going to mention its name. I starting looking for problems in my style, steep with actual holds.

This is what I found:

Short problems with a punch.
On the right, I climbed the line that follows the crack. RAD.
On the left, I ripped a giant crimp plate off, fell on my crashed, and started tobogganing upside-down head-first down a snow slope. NOT RAD.

This is one of the best boulders I have ever seen.

Close-up of the steep wall behind the "prow"
Am I strong enough?