
Jan 26, 2010

You Can Make Him Like You

Training: 1) Hoover Feet, 15 minutes

2) Dyno Practice, 10 minutes

3) Open Hand, Medium Edge (1-arm w/assistance)
7s, 7s, 10s

4) 1/2 Crimp, Small Rung (1-arm w/assistance)
7s, 7s, 12s+

5) Full Crimp, Small Rung (1-arm w/assistance)
7s, 7s, 10s

6) 1-arm pull-ups
7 singles with each arm

7) Foot Fly Aways (supersetted with prehab)

8) More Prehab & Abs

Proper Hangboarding

Notes: 2nd day on - Trying to productively trash myself. I forgot my stopwatch so I couldn't do Rhythm Intervals, my subconscious works in funny ways. I hit PRs on all grips types, time to increase load. #6 - I wanted to see how many 1-arms I could do in a session. They got easier, greasing-the-groove, and then they got hard.