
Feb 16, 2010

Ice Blocs, Get Them While They're Hot (I Mean Cold)

I headed back up Poudre Canyon to enjoy more Ice Blocs before the spring river rise takes them away for another year.

I warmed-up by climbing the various lines on the left.
The best line is up the middle, V4 from sds.

I used the Lord's name in vain when I turned the corner on the boulder. There is a 40ft+ problem/traverse/route. It is ~30ft of overhanging v4/5 on river polished granite to an okay rest before you finish on the middle line pictured above, easily a 4 star problem. I was able to "1 hang" it today.

Just a little bit down stream was another Ice Bloc.
Yellow Line - Jug haul Vo from the stand, an awkward V1/V2 from the sit, lots of lichen
Green Solid Line, V6 - Sds to nice edges
Green Dotted Line, V6 - A semi-footless traverse into the direct line

The Backside
Middle of the roof, V4/5 - slab to roof, fun but high rock humping/dab factor
Far Arete, V0 - good but lots of lichen
(This picture illustrates the ephemeral nature of Ice Blocs. There was open water about 10ft from the problems.)

This sector is simply stacked with climbable rock, about 25 blocs each having about ~3 problems.

Quintessentially Fort Collins Litter

Dead Bug

Gnarly Sliver
Ironically, that is how I felt about it even though I barely felt it. Thanks to my extra thick skin.