
Feb 14, 2010

Poudre Canyon, Golden Granite

This weekend was an opening of the narrow window when the Cache La Poudre River is frozen but the rock is warm. The opening enables rare ice bloc climbing, ascending rocks embedded in the river ice. I was lucky enough to enjoy one ice bloc before a small winter storm chased me down the canyon.

I spent the rest of the day playing on a perfect golden granite egg. It was incredibly climbable with everything from slab to steep to crack. I climbed only 1/2 the problems on it, necessitating a return trip. The upcoming season holds infinite promise, once it gets here.

Golden Granite Ice Bloc

Steep Golden Granite

Red Line - SDS, traverse lip to engaging exit move
Green Line, VO - Slab arete
Black Line, V1 - Water grooved slab, also the down climb

Green Line - SDS, follow right trending crack
Black Line, V2 - Crimps in the middle of the face, SDS much harder
Red Line, V2 - Follow left trending crack, SDS much harder