
Feb 9, 2010

Ready To Blow Like a Stuffy Nose

Training: 1) Flash, ALL new problems

2) Campus, Throws
Small Rungs 1-4-1 X 3
3 sets each arm

3) Campus, Ladder
Large Rung, 1-4-7 (fail)

4) Threshold Bouldering, System Board, 45 minutes

5) Dynamic Effort, 1-arms

Proper Threshold Bouldering

Notes: Don't get me wrong, I love my training but I want to get outside. The current cold snap is killing me. I want to apply my new found strength to some quality problems. I need to add weight to the campus throws, SCARY. I wanted to see if I could do 1-4-7 when fatigued. The answer is NO.

My threshold bouldering has a progression, like all my training. I pick out the movement (it all starts with movement), I do the "problem" the easiest way. Then I start making things harder, e.g. moving holds apart, climbing it "open," and doing it without feet cutting. I generally aim for success 4/5ths of the time. I catalog the variations I fall on and come back to them. Today I was able to send a couple of variations that were giving me trouble last session. Linear progress, one foundational element of athletic development.