
Mar 8, 2010

Poudre Canyon, 420s


Tree Tumors & Circadian Rhythm

Scuba Steve
One of New My All Time Favorites

Lame Tickmark

Problems Sent:
Stickman Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, V8, 4 tries (guide stays technical, i say TRY HARD)
Rasta Font Trainer, V7, Flash (my first V7 flash!!!)
Scuba Steve, V7, 3rd try (first try with right sequence, really fun)
Scarface, V6, Flash (my stylee, felt easy)
Short Chubby Demon, V6, Flash (the fun way)
Johnny & Hodgey, V5, Flash (contrived, you could climb on the left, on the right, or gill start)
Mr. Harry, V4, 2nd go (i freaked myself out by previewing the top out, not that bad)
Moderate, V4, Flash (Balance Boulder)
The Mace, V3, Flash (good dirty stuff)
Southwest Arete, V3, Flash (not the best rock)
South Face, V3, Flash (warm-up boulder, the sidepull is brilliant)
Angle Dangle, V3, Flash (went right, quality)
Unnamed Moderate, V3, Flash (Hank's Boulder, didn't get impaled!!!)
Warm Me, V3, Flash (really really good)
Moderate on Left Face, V2, Flash (The Mace Boulder, down flash)
Middle Up, V2, Flash (can I climb anything without my feet cutting?)

Total Points: 69 (50 Flash)

Problems Tried:
Tsunami Traverse, V8, 2 tries (at the end of the day - stupid, poor movement)
Puffing Stone, V5, 3 tries (couldn't figure out a method that didn't involve dabbing, LAME)
Hank's Arete, V5, 1 try (wet)
Sloper Jumpstart, V1, 3 tries (Hank's Boulder, Hard, WTF?)

Notes: I was very syked to get out after being cooped up at work. I head up the 420s for the first time. It was a blustery day, perfect for cranking on the rad, featured granite. This was my best day ever, as far as putting problems in the snatch. I knocked off my 1st V7 flash!! A V8 flash is coming, once I build a bigger base at that grade. I'm contemplating a 100 point flash day. Spring is here and time to use the training.