
Apr 15, 2010


I was only able to get out for a quick session before work, which was better since it is getting warmer. This sector is close to my house but the rock is friable, similar to The Palace. This boulder in particular might have been climbed on before. There was evidence of "gardening" near the base but could use more love/traffic.

Left to Right
#1, V1 - start on lip and edge to nice mantle
#2, V3 - start on slopey pinch, punch it to the top
#3, V5 - sds on triangle feature, move to arete, best problem on the boulder, great movement
#4, V2 - start on two crimps move to lip

#4, V2 - start on two crimps move to lip
#5, V? - possible hard dead vertical line on flaky holds
#6, V4 - sds on arete traverse up and left on embedded rocks, V2 from stand

#7, V2/3 - sds climb arete via positive but slopey holds
#8, V1/2 - sds fun slopers
#9, V0 - start just right of dead tree

These are just my interpretations of the rock. Given the nature of the rock, other ones are possible. There are ~20+ boulders in this area. The potential climbing within 30 minutes of my house still astounds me.

A nice day to be on the river

Spring is here