
Apr 18, 2010

Pistols & Frappuccinos

Warm-up: 1) Climb some easy established problems

2) Hike, 45 minutes

Training: 1) Traverse to Problem (TCP), 30 minutes

2) Density Training (DT), 30 minutes
Adv Minus - 7, Adv - 6, Adv Plus - 6, Open Minus - 2

3) Recovery Intervals (RI), 12 min, rest 5 min, 12 min

Notes: I checked out a new sector with above average rock quality. It was fun repeating the established problems. After, I hiked around and found two awesome new bouldering walls. They should keep me occupied for the rest of season. It was a nice appetizer for the entre of training.

Session #2 of Week 1 - #1 Works one of my biggest limiters, bouldering when slightly pumped. Kinda funky because I had to traverse around multiple outside corners to get enough moves in. #2 Plays one of my strengths, stamina. I tried so hard one of my legs cramped. 3 of problems were flashes, including an Open Minus. I had to lay down for 5 minutes before starting the next block. #3 - My endurance is horrible!!!

It was a different "dose" than the 1st session. I had to wait a couple of minutes before the pump went away to undo my shoes and had to pour myself into my car. A good day in the lab.