
Apr 10, 2010

Poetry's Influence on the GDP

Training: 1) Flash Problems (Up to Adv+), 30 minutes

2) 4 Rounds
Climb ~3:00
Rest 1:1

3) 1 arm pull-ups, triples (w/ assistance at top)

4) 3 rounds
weighted dips, triples, 70lbs
pistols, fives

5) L-sit walk & 1 arm push-ups, "practice"

6) Prehab, sit-ups, & pull-ups

Notes: I tried to get back into climbing shape without the gym, but it wasn't happening fast enough for me. Time for a little smart training. #1 - A medium volume of hard, quality movement. #2 - "Song Intervals", simple but effective for Long Power Endurance Training. Since I have no projects that require meaningful power endurance, it is very difficult to motivate myself. I do it anyways. I even got in some preseason Birthday Challenge training. I just wanted to see how "out of shape" I am.