
Apr 26, 2010

Poudre Canyon, As Bad As It Gets

I set out after a solid 1/2 day of work to explore Poudre Canyon. The canyon is different every time (maybe its me). The river is rising rapidly now. I was unable to access lower canyon projects. Fall will offer redemption or more precisely, an opportunity for redemption. That is best I can hope for. Plenty of time to dream and train.

So long until Fall

I made my way far up the canyon to the more established areas. I forced something that wasn't there. Most things were wet. Foolishly thought my steel cable tendons were more important than dry shoes. I was wrong. By the time I found dry problems, I had no confidence. Most of my "game" comes from confidence. I couldn't play my game and lost.

Signs of Spring


I guess ribs were on the lunch menu.

Today was as bad as it gets but it's still pretty fucking good.

Problems Sent: Warm Up Crack, V1, Flash (felt hard, ominous omen)
Downclimb, V1, Flash (Merlin, redemption)
Slopey Mantle, V2, Flash (micro crimp > technique)

Problems Tried: Almost everything on "Warm Up Wall"
Harder They Come, V9, all the moves (figured out two methods -sloper vs jump, exposed weaknesses)
Don't Name This Boulder Problem, V10, all but 1 move (still suck on toe hooks)
Merlin, V7, all the moves (a little rad and a little sharp)