
Apr 17, 2010

Some Change For Something Strange

Training: 1) Route Doubles (Climb 1st Route, Short rest while previewing , Climb 2nd Route, Rest 5 minutes, repeat), 45 minutes

2) Bouldering, 30 minutes

rest 4 hours

3) System Board, 30 minutes

4) Hangboard, 30 minutes

5) Icing & Wine, 30 minutes

Notes: This is the start of a transition period in my training. The Front Range spring season is tapering down, and I'm leaving on a roadtrip in one month. The new cycle will be based on the Block Programming from Steve Betchel with a couple of tweaks. I plan to add a technique block per microcycle and still try to get outside 3-4 times per microcycle.

#1 - I climbed the hardest routes at the gym. Got pumped but didn't fall. #2 - Didn't go well. The taped problems were too easy and all set by one person. Monochromatic setting gets boring quickly. #3 Focused on open hand and then 1/2 crimp, feet not cutting #4 Focused on 1/2 crimp and then sloper. Supersetted maximum effort hangs with mobility drills. My body felt better than when I started. #5 I usually don't. Glad I did.